Name of Business: Callender Law Firm Guyana
Trading Name: CLF Guyana
Status: pending
Certification ID: LCSR-4d9cacfd
Expiration Date: 2024-04-23
Address: Lot 228, Cummings Street and South Road, Bourda, Georgetown
Mailing Address: 1811 ER Burroughs & Unity Place, Festival City, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown
Business email:
Business Website:
Business Tel: 1-281-973-4725
Types of Services Provided:
Other : Oil & gas and energy legal advisory-, negotiations support-, commercial-, engineering-, project management-, technical-, quant analytics-, and energy economics- consulting services serving all sectors of the Energy and Oil & Gas business including upstream, midstream, and downstream oil & gas, electric power, pipelines, natural gas processing, natural gas liquids (“NGLs”), Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”), petroleum refining, and petrochemicals.