Name of Business: EMCE Consulting
Trading Name: EMC Energy Consulting
Status: pending
Certification ID: LCSR-b14bd8dc
Expiration Date: 2024-04-23
Address: Lot 228, Cummings Street & South Road, Bourda, Georgetown
Mailing Address: 1811 ER Burroughs & Unity Place, Festival City, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown
Business email:
Business Website:
Business Tel: 1 281-540-7224
Types of Services Provided:
Other technical-, engineering-, energy economics research-, and management- consulting company providing front end engineering design (u201cFEEDu201d), process engineering, process operations troubleshooting and optimization, project management, and general technical and commercial consulting services to the oil & and gas, refining, petrochemicals, gas processing, electric power, and related industries