Name of Business: Phoenix Oilfield Services & Engineering Inc.
Trading Name:
Status: approved
Certification ID: LCSR-f7aca617
Expiration Date: 2025-09-12
Address: Lot 77, Coglan Dam, Klien-Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara
Business email:
Business Website:
Business Tel: 504-7785
Types of Services Provided:
Rental of Office Space, Accommodation Services (Apartments and houses), Equipment Rental (Crane and other heavy-duty machinery), Surveying, Construction Work for Buildings Onshore, Structural Fabrication, Janitorial and Laundry Services, Administrative Support and Facilities Management Services, Laydown Yard Facilities, Customs Brokerage Services, Pest Control Exterminator Services, Cargo Management/Monitoring, Environment Services and Studies, Ventilation (Private, Commercial, Industrial), Industrial Cleaning services (Onshore), ICT-Network Installation, Support Services, Manpower and crewing Services, Engineering and Machining